Sunday, September 21, 2014

Because of You

As I'm rocking out, scrubbing floors, I hear a song that stops me in my tracks.  My soul is touched.

Once I was finished, I went out to the garage where I could sing and dance my heart out.  (Wouldn't you?! I'm home alone, and NEED to fuel my soul through music!!) 
Well, while I'm karaoke-ing away, I felt so many emotions while repeatedly singing this song, tears streaming. I felt my mother's soul, and have no doubt that she was here with me. It was as though I had the opportunity to "clear the air" with her and/or a few of our issues by releasing such raw emotion.
Suicide is a curious situation. It's not a path that I enjoy being along, but I sure as hell am not going to be a victim of my mother's choice! In understanding that there is so much spiritual growth taking place, helps me realize that I now get to love her without the mental chains that were binding her heart from feeling loved.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Living in Mayberry..

I LOVE the little town that I live in! I don't know many people, which is fabulous! It keeps me out of the political circles. I could go on and on about the things I love about living here, but that's for another post. What I do want to share, is this wonderful story.. It was posted on our town facebook site this week.

Our family tortoise has gone missing! We have had him for over 2 years and have gotten very attached. He has been gone for about 2 weeks and he will need his medicine again soon. He weighs about 30 pounds and doesn't bite. But also needs special food for his diet. He will die if he is on his back/turned over. We are hoping he is nearby we are located by the LDS church and please let me know if u see him or find him. I will find more pictures and post them!
I live a couple of blocks from the church, so told everyone in the neighborhood to be looking out for it. 
Well, to add the icing to this little cake, the Chief of Police posted the FIND of this family pet!!
It is safe and sound at home thanks to a Wonderful Community!

Earth Angels

I've been truly blessed to know some of the universe's most AMAZING EARTH ANGELS!
One of my Earth Angels came in to my life years ago.  She was becoming a certified PA, while I was working my way through the medical field, trying to gain as much experience in different things as possible.  This, Earth Angel, not only taught me how to be the very best MA that I could, she taught me life long lessons.  The books and thoughts that she shared with me have made a positive difference in my life to this day!  I lost touch with her when I left the clinic we worked at. Years later, we find one another on Facebook. Although we hadn't met up in person, I got to live vicariously through her pictures as she and her family travel the world.  We'd chat once in a while, but nothing significant. Until one day...
She sends me a message about a new product that she's been learning about.  Metagenics. Have you heard of it? She knew my complaints about Crohn's and Fibromyalgia, and thought that this would help. 
Seriously!  Life Changing point in my life, once again! BA-BAAM!
I've been doing the cleanse, and WOW! Talk about life-changing!
I cannot wait to share more about this experience!
Until then, check out the website!
I have some more life changing stories to come..

Speaking of Virgo..

Please tell me that I'm not the ONLY person in the universe that likes to re-arrange furniture every couple of months?! 
I love to change things up!  I love cleaning all of the nooks and crannies! Living with a roommate in the house changes everything, along with that there are multiple reasons that I don't clean as much as I'd LIKE. This has always given friends and relatives a good chuckle. 

I'm a Virgo!

"They're sticklers for cleanliness."

That being said.. What's a girl to do when her roommate is gone for the night, the kids are mechanic-ing at their dad's, and she's alone to do as she pleases??  This VIRGO is going to turn up the music & scrub floors, rearrange SOMETHING, and possibly even make some curtains..


Go ahead, please analyze this one.. *wink*

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


 Organite is my new fascination!!

Have you heard of it? If not, take a moment & check out this website:

Here's a sample of the first few batches we've created:

They were even charged under the Super Moon!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Seven Souvenirs of August

I'm always up for a challenge, so when my neighbors told me about the, "Seven Souvenirs of August", I was totally in! 
I traveled from to southern Idaho (Jerome) and Camano Island, WA to get the caches needed. 
My friends and loved ones were fabulous help!  The night of my birthday, we even went caching under the moonlight, to get the multi-cache.
In the end, I'm so PROUD that this was accomplished!!! 
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