Tuesday, July 22, 2014


The one and only thing I know for Sure, is that there are NO COINCIDENCES!  Everything happens for a reason. Synchronicity
That being said, this blog is another perfect example! I used to blog. It was fun. (I swear it was so much easier with the other templates, and layout, buttons, etc.)
Then, all hell pretty much broke out in my life & I couldn't bare sharing that darkness with the world. In retrospect, it probably would've helped a lot, but what's done is done.  Ironically, I can no longer edit my old blog or add new posts, so I had to start anew..
What a wonderful "intervention of grace"! It's time that I exit the cocoon that enveloped the first 35 years of my life to spread my wings and soar! Time and time again I am guided by the Great Divine Spirit to understand that I AM this brand new existence. I am here to make it the very best possible!

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